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Self destructive sticker using tips


Self destructive sticker using tips

1, Printing evaporation skills: If we want to accelerate the evaporation speed after printing, we can use an infrared light bulb(250W, distance from bulb to paper surface between 40mm-50mm). And we'd not better use ultraviolet to make it dry, which will increase paper aging; Or we can use quick-drying ink to do the printing, but with a high cost disadvantage.

2, Sticker using skills: After we get the sticker, when we use it, don't uncover it from release liner by fingernails, which will break the sticker. We can do it by these three steps: a, put paper upward, bend release liner downward from a coner of sticker, then the coner or a small part of sticker will raise naturely; b, pull up the coner or small part of the sticker by left hand thumb, then the sticker will entirely stick on our thumb; c, we paste the sticker on the surface of content and press it.

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