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Commodity digital marketing system, precise secondary marketing for enterprises

by:Fullgo     2022-11-01
Controlling market sales includes: promotions with prizes, membership marketing, anti-counterfeiting traceability, big data analysis, and official account operations. Product innovation marketing activities also continue to make efforts in product promotion and channel expansion, and are committed to bringing consumers and brands closer. Use code digital marketing, a better one-item-one-code marketing system, through one item, one code, to achieve convenient and efficient management of all aspects of marketing. Customized activity templates, multiple activity forms, multiple activities can be parallelized, self-editing product details and traceability, enhance consumer trust, and improve repurchase rate. Using the QR code of the product as the medium, carry out the update and transformation of the product code, so that each product becomes a brand promotion medium, and can be embedded in short videos, advertising, theme activities and other methods to carry out promotion and publicity, and complete the multi-faceted development of the mobile Internet era of products. Marketing promotion, improve consumer brand stickiness and enhance brand influence! Directly make sales grow rapidly. The QR code of the terminal equipment is used as the carrier to complete one product, one code. Consumers can scan the QR code to identify the authenticity and obtain gifts (point redemption, traffic, big red envelopes, and product redemption) at the same time, with strong interactivity. , high participation, improve consumer repurchase rate, complete offline promotion and rapid increase in sales volume. It is possible to understand product sales in real time through one item, one code marketing data, so that the marketing funds of manufacturers and brands can reach consumers directly. After purchasing, consumers can scan the code through packaging and product QR codes (one item, one code). Deliver flexible and customizable marketing programs such as cash red envelopes, lottery draws, and games. In order to realize dynamic sales faster, the connection terminal between offline and online marketing channels will actively provide more and better display positions and promotion methods for products, which is conducive to rapidly increasing product market share and fostering the first-line consumer market. The form of the event is novel, and with the help of rewards, the purchase rate, unpacking rate, and shelf rate of terminal stores have been greatly stimulated. Commodity digital marketing system, enhance consumer loyalty, red envelopes, coupons and other rewards, with a variety of marketing applications, super sticky powder. Accurate decision-making: visualization of consumer data, user portraits, and product data to help companies formulate marketing strategies. As a powerful starting point for the digital transformation of marketing, one item, one code can help enterprises reach users in all scenarios, collect user data in multiple dimensions, empower the whole process of operation, and promote consumers to repurchase.
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