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How to do product traceability? Realize deep traceability

by:Fullgo     2022-11-19
The manufacturing process strictly controls the one-object-one-code traceability system to meet the needs of national policies, and customize digital marketing solutions to make traceability + marketing more meet the needs of enterprises. It can understand the data of the main body, environment, address, scale, variety, quality inspection and other data of the enterprise, and automatically generate electronic information and upload it to various regulatory departments, effectively track products through traceability data, and realize full-chain closed-loop traceability. Through the product identification code, establish a full-link traceability system for products from raw materials entering the factory, production and processing, warehousing and logistics, terminal sales, and market consumption, so that every link from raw materials to consumers can be visualized and controllable. Management efficiency and brand value of enterprise traceability. How to do product traceability? Answer: Build a traceability system to achieve full-cycle traceability of products, detailed information of each link can be viewed, and the application of the whole-process traceability system can locate product whereabouts, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence and other technologies to make products Producers and operators can grasp production, logistics, market and other information in real time through mobile phones, computers and other terminals to achieve intelligent management. Improve product quality, one object, one code traceability system, track production information and raw material information, and achieve lean production management, so that regulatory authorities and consumers can view product information; every product that leaves the factory can be traced by scanning the code Throughout the whole process, track production information and raw material information, and truly achieve lean production management. By identifying products and tracking movement and usage, the traceability system can provide accurate and detailed production information to the upstream. Taking traceability as the starting point, it can effectively improve the digitalization level of the whole process of the enterprise, so that the brand trust can be continuously improved on the basis of products. The premium ability of the product while guaranteeing the quality of the product! The collection and recording of all product information takes 'one code for one item' as the core, and realizes the full digital traceability of people, goods, materials and fields. Tracking and tracing: Realize the collection, tracking and monitoring of all aspects of products from raw material supply to terminal consumption. Realize that each product has a unique product number, and conduct data collection and tracking of product suppliers, raw materials, production, warehousing, sales, market inspection and consumption, etc., to achieve more accurate and efficient anti-channeling inspections and save labor costs. . In the later stage, you can scan the traceability code to understand product information, track product flow, and realize product traceability management. The use of traceability systems is mainly to ensure product quality and improve product quality. Production line coding: Through the collaboration of software and hardware, the product is given a unique identity, and a closed-loop multi-level association is established.
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