Liquor beverage anti-smuggling system, tracking the flow of products
Sales information statistics When the dealer has the behavior of smuggling goods, it can also make a good early warning of the smuggling of goods, to ensure that the dealers complies with the specifications for sales and do not smuggle the goods. Liquor and beverage anti-smuggling system, one code for one item, one-to-one information monitoring record for identification code, precise control of each product, and can accurately track the flow of each product and the behavior of agents' purchase and delivery. Product coding, transportation information input, real-time monitoring of product flow, etc., and timely supervision of dealers in various regions. It can support and control the whereabouts of products in real time, understand the sales status of agents in various places, and then control the occurrence of counterfeiting, disordered prices, and smuggling of products. Enterprises with diversified coding forms can realize the management and control of the whole supply chain, the whole chain of product logistics and information data, the management and control of product flow, and the management of circulation channels. It can analyze the sales data of each agent, and provide a real basis for enterprise decision-making based on the statistics of production information and sales information. Each beverage and beverage is given a unique anti-counterfeiting and anti-channeling code, and the agent can scan the delivery. Enterprises can monitor the flow of goods throughout the process to prevent agents from taking over-level and cross-regional goods. Provide basic data setting functions, including: product information, agent information, regional information, channel information, so that enterprises can manually enter sales order information and product delivery information. The anti-smuggling system is used to solve the problem of smuggling and disorderly prices. It tracks the whereabouts of products throughout the cycle, prevents smuggling, and realizes accurate collection of product inbound and outbound data, ensuring that enterprises can grasp the direction of product flow in a timely manner and monitor the whole process of data. Commodity information is associated with orders. In the product packaging process, the small, medium and large packaging units are coded and labeled through the packaging coding module, and the packaging association relationship is established by scanning the packaging codes at all levels. A unique identity code is assigned to each liquor beverage, and the dealer information corresponding to the product information code is recorded in detail in the information platform, which is detailed and accurate. Use encryption technology to generate random numbers and store them in the system database. Each number is different. Corresponding to a product, each product has a unique identification code. Realize one piece and one code, and carry out data collection and tracking of product warehousing, distribution, logistics and transportation, market inspection, consumers and other links. It can manage dealers nationwide, accurately control channels in real time, ensure consumer loyalty and enhance brand image.
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