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One thing, one code to play marketing, to achieve online and offline integration

by:Fullgo     2022-12-06
Marketing on the code allows consumers to scan the code through packaging, product QR code (one code for one item) after purchase, and directly deliver flexible and customizable marketing programs such as cash red envelopes, lottery draws, and games. One object one code marketing system background management, the theme activity data information is clear at a glance, the company has this kind of data information can do market demand analysis, adjust marketing promotion management decisions, do secondary market sales, make management easier and more convenient. One thing, one code to play marketing, through the one thing, one code marketing activities, you can learn more about product and enterprise information, and be willing to forward it, and actively share the event information, expand brand awareness, enhance customer stickiness, and increase brand exposure. Increase the repurchase rate of users, support multiple uses of one code, make the product a bridge connecting brands and users, realize multi-dimensional scene application, and make each code can play the highest value. The brand information is transmitted to consumers through the QR code, and the customer scans the QR code on the product and feeds back the data to the brand owner, so as to form an effective connection between the brand and the consumer. Help brands get through online and offline, realize digital precision marketing, do valuable marketing, and scan code marketing activities, the first purchase rate and repurchase rate of products continue to increase on the existing basis. Through the scanning behavior of consumers, it can also help companies to obtain consumer data and portraits, assist brands to better track product marketing results, and optimize marketing strategies. Labeling and digitizing users who come in from different portals to realize asset exchange and cross-marketing is the next focus of consumer marketing. Interesting Marketing Interactive Game Enterprises can control the attention of different marketing modules by analyzing customer scan code data, and assist enterprises to optimize and adjust marketing modules. Optimize the experience and increase the participation rate. Set targeted prizes according to product characteristics and consumer groups. Digital marketing provides personalized products according to customer needs, and can also track each customer's sales habits and hobbies, and recommend related products. By giving each product its QR code, the communication scene between the brand and each consumer is opened up. Let the enterprise better understand the product trend and at the same time endow the product itself with marketing functions, and use this shortest link to reduce the marketing investment in the intermediate links. Screen users and optimize publicity and marketing strategies, improve marketing accuracy and user acceptance, and make marketing activities more in line with user psychology.
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