Before-sales Service: Fast quotation, we give price within 8 hours; Free sample, we offer free standard sample for customers to check first; Free design, we provide professional free design for customers on the sticker. (About color problem, sometimes we see different colors in different computers, so if customers can prepare AI format design will be welcomed)
Medium-sales Service: We will follow the order and keep information updated to our customers. If it is necessary, we can take pictures to check before we finish the order.
After-sales Service: We take seriously care of shipment and positively cooperate with any document we should provide. After products arrive, we will actively make sure with our customers, not only whether the quality is good or not, but also we communicate with customers about the process, understand each other. Which is not good enough, then we improve it, in the next order we can do it more smoothly and efficiently. Of course, if there is any product is in poor quality, we should and have to manufacture it again.