What are the technical advantages of the two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting traceability system_Anti-counterfeiting traceability system-Shanghai Nuobiao Anti-counterfeiting Technology Development Co., Ltd.
With the emergence of QR codes on products, consumers can also use mobile phones and their code scanning tools to scan codes to understand information, and many product companies are now using QR code anti-counterfeiting traceability systems. By scanning the code of the anti-counterfeiting traceability system to distinguish the true and false and understand the product information, let's take a look at the technical advantages of the two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting traceability system? The first point is that the encrypted two-dimensional code has a large amount of information and strong error correction ability. The encrypted two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting traceability system has natural potential in data collection and data transmission. First, the storage capacity of the two-dimensional barcode is as high as thousands of bytes, so it can effectively store information. Second, because the anti-counterfeiting traceability system adopts advanced error correction algorithm, the complete original information can be recovered even in the case of partial damage. Therefore, it is safe, reliable, fast and convenient to use the anti-counterfeiting traceability system function to transmit information. The encrypted QR code anti-counterfeiting traceability system is an application of the international advanced combinatorial mathematics principle, which combines mathematics and cryptography, and encrypts all digitizable information as raw data to generate a set of encrypted data files. The second point is that the encrypted QR code has low cost and is easy to promote. The anti-counterfeiting traceability system has high data security and reliability, and has strong anti-counterfeiting ability. The advantages of the two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting traceability system are that the cost is low, the information can be moved with the carrier, can be used independently of the database and computer network, and has confidentiality and strong anti-counterfeiting performance. The user decrypts and reads the encrypted data file (encrypted 2D barcode) using the key, restores it to the data form, and compares it with the original data to distinguish authenticity. The encrypted information capacity of the key of the anti-counterfeiting traceability system is large, and it is actually impossible to decrypt. At the same time, the data encryption technology is combined with the existing mature material anti-counterfeiting technology, so that the application of the encrypted two-dimensional barcode anti-counterfeiting label technology in the document field is more reliable. The technical advantages of the two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting traceability system are that the encrypted two-dimensional code has a large amount of information and strong error correction ability, and the encrypted QR code has a low cost and is easy to promote. The anti-counterfeiting traceability system has a good prospect because it can customize authentic anti-counterfeiting according to customer needs. The two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting technology has a color two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting technology to realize the color diversity and beauty of the QR code. And QR codes can also help customers achieve functions such as anti-counterfeiting, anti-scanning, reward points, product traceability and mobile malls.
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